In the formula of a good brand image, custom packaging design is an essential ingredient. And it turns out that in e-commerce, branding is what makes success.

To succeed in establishing your brand or your online store, you absolutely must develop personalized packaging that corresponds to your target.

To help you in this quest, we take a look at the points to know to create effective packaging for your brand.

In particular, we discuss avenues for thinking about the design of your packaging, we indicate the best suppliers of personalized packaging and we also give you several examples of packaging designs to inspire you.

What you need to know to create a packaging design

Already that is important. Ultimately, some people don't care about packaging, but even, if you send them your product in a rotten plastic bag, with no label, with nothing, they're not going to keep a positive image of your brand. And for most other consumers, if neutral packaging will not scare them away, designer packaging will mark them positively. 44% of them even say that the appearance of the packaging is decisive for the purchase. So why deprive yourself of it?

How does packaging design influence the consumer?

It's all about product targeting. The packaging helps the consumer to understand what level of range the product he is looking at belongs to.

This is precisely why many points must be taken into consideration when creating personalized packaging: colors, visuals, size, shape, boxes, bags or wrapping paper, etc. Before making these decisions, you need to do a little research, because you don't want to go wrong with your positioning. For custom packaging for small business  visit SM Custom packaging.

Who is your audience

Of course, the tastes of your target must be taken into account. But it is above all the product positioning among the 4 recognized segments that will determine the packaging.

  • “First price” offer: the packaging will be simple and informative
  • “Heart of the market” offer: packaging that sublimates the product and displays promises
  • “Premium” offer: sober and elegant packaging, reflecting the values
  • “Luxury” offer: exclusive and sophisticated packaging

What should this packaging design represent?

What do most people think when they see your brand? Ecological and rustic packaging works well for an organic cosmetics brand but will be counterproductive if you want to present a brand based on cosmetic technology.

Start with your branding

Do you have a website, brand name, and/or logo? Effective packaging must be in harmony with the other visual elements of your brand image. Custom packaging boxes with logo is good for your business.

Observe the competition

What else is there on the market? Watch what your competition is doing. If you know what's going on, you can do better. A packaging design that is too original, without valid reasons, is not necessary either.

What packaging design for your products?

There are several types of packaging that you might need.

The container

Does your product need to be packaged? If yes, how? What type of container do you want? Here are some options:

  • Jars
  • Paper or plastic bags
  • Cardboard jars
  • Bottles
  • Bricks
  • Wrapping paper
  • Fabric pouches

To be studied according to the values ​​of your business, the dimensions of the product, and your delivery constraints.

Wedging and protection

If your products are fragile, you will need equipment to secure them and protect them. Foam, bubbles and air cushions, polystyrene, corrugated cardboard, crimped paper… Here too the choice is vast.

The packaging design

That is the one that represents your brand, which must be both practical and aesthetic. Not always easy. This choice depends on the constraints of the product (dimensions, fragility, etc.), but also the style of your branding (values, colors, etc.). We give you examples of packaging design below.

Delivery packaging

This is another question: are you planning two different packages or not. Knowing that the delivery package is always a box, is it worth having a second box inside? Not necessarily. It's up to you to find another option that is both economical and stylish. For custom packaging USA visit SM custom packaging.

Packaging design: examples

Are you looking for inspiration for designer packaging?

Here are some interesting examples.

Design and Instagrammable packaging

Who says packaging design, says packaging that can be shared on networks! So Shape is a brand of meal replacements, whose products are in the form of cartons. It is an original format compared to other similar products, which allows the brand to stand out from the crowd. It's practical, you can take them everywhere and they are also very aesthetic with their different colors.

Cardboard packaging

Very Etsy style. We quote Etsy because this type of packaging is typical of small designers who offer handmade products. A cardboard box with pretty tissue paper and a designer sticker always work. But it's very trendy right now, so if you're looking to stand out from the crowd, you have to look elsewhere.

Cheap personalized packaging: the stamp

Are you looking for a cheap design packaging option? The custom-made stamp helps you avoid printing costs. You design your stamp design, you buy the ink, and you just need a little patience to stamp it all. As a bonus, you get an authentic and cool little style that looks great.

Tubular design packaging

Here is another example of packaging design: tubular cardboard packaging. They are perfect for products that are a little fragile since they are quite strong.

Luxury packaging

To give your brand a high-end edge, there's nothing like a fabric pouch to wrap your products. It is not necessarily overpriced. For example, it is a perfect option for jewelry packaging. There is also organic packaging in this category, with recycled fabric pockets.

Personalized packaging or not?

In terms of branding, it's much better to have personalized packaging. It is thanks to these kinds of details that you will be able to stand out from your competition. If your personalized packaging appeals to your customers, they'll become more attached to your brand and be more tempted to order from you again.

Original packaging is part of the customer experience, a central element of e-commerce today.

So do not deprive yourself of it, especially since there are several addresses for making means of making personalized packaging online.

With a little trick, you can even create free online packaging.

As for those who do dropship and have to manage AliExpress packaging, know that it is possible to negotiate with your suppliers or with your agent to include personalized packaging elements in



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