Sm Custom packaging


Sm Custom packaging

An update in advance: Since January 1, 2021, we have been compensating for every plastic cup produced for us. Until we have found our sustainable alternative, together with our partner ever wave, we save at least the same amount from our rivers and seas.

How it came about, and what makes our current cup so special? You can now read: It is handy, can withstand a lot, and offers enough space for the right amount of milk. The 2go cup has been with us for around ten years. Even then, it was extremely recyclable, thanks to its separable materials. The paper banderole holds the thin cup and thus saves plastic. We need it so that your favorite SM Custom Packaging stays fresh - and you can also prepare hot porridge in the microwave, for example. But we know that we are far from perfect here. Our goal: As part of our dogood2go campaign, by mid-2021, make the cup with as little plastic as possible to dispose of it directly in the waste paper. Until then, it's best to separate it like this:

Other differences: As before, the barrier can consist of a thin layer of aluminum, and the base, like the lid, is made of plastic to ensure a better hold when passing through the muesli mix machine. How to properly dispose of it:


Our wholesale custom packaging can have been with us for over 12 years. Since then, a lot has happened: Overall, the new can of our finished muesli has 55 percent less plastic and consists of almost 90 percent paper - 64 percent of which is even recycled waste paper. The inside is thinly coated with plastic instead of aluminum, the bottom is made of coated cardboard instead of plastic, and we use water-based inks for our labels. Except for the lid and sealing tab, they can be disposed of in the waste paper - just like our topping cans, by the way.

Exceptions are special editions and particularly small editions such as our city NEWYORK all of them can be recognized by the white plastic floor. For them and the cans of our choc  the waste separation of the self-mixed applies.


Even if a lot has already been changed, we still have a lot to do to get the most out of our packaging: The main goal here is also to switch to paper as much as possible, to reduce the packaging in general and to minimize the plastics it contains or, if possible, even entirely to avoid.

Let's start at the top: Instead of our plastic lid (which, by the way, can be easily recycled due to its purity), we want to switch to a material mixture of potato starch, paper, and water, which can be disposed of in recyclable paper. This not only applies to muesli cans but also in the long term to the categories of porridge, toppings, choc, and mini-mueslis. With this alone, over 50 tons of plastic can be saved annually. In addition, the seal under the lid will also be made of coated paper instead of aluminum.

The golden mean is our sustainable can body, which consists of 74 percent of 3-ply, recycled cardboard and only needs a little fine-tuning. As with the cans of our finished  the inner barrier coating of all other cans should also be changed from aluminum to thin, sprayed-on plastic. In the long term, however, we want to use a water-based, environmentally friendly paint that cannot be used at the moment due to production reasons. We are also already checking whether the thickness of the cardboard can be further reduced in the long term. For our self-mixed of course, the same should apply in the future: Put it in the waste paper. Instead of the outer film, a lacquer should also be applied here - we are already talking to recycling experts about this to work out a solution as quickly as possible.

Finally, let's look at our base plans below: We are more than happy with our paper base for all of the ready-made cereals and toppings. In the future, this so-called sealed base will also be available for all other can variants.

Custom Packaging USA In addition to our ready-made SM Custom Packaging, there are also   For this, we use can blanks, which are glued with your desired design made of a foil-paper composite. Therefore, these cans must not be disposed of in the waste paper but disposed of in the residual waste.


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