For diseases such as kidney cancer, classification is proposed by
histological form and stage. The main types of process and frequency of their
detection are the following:
- Clear
cell cancer - 60–70%;
- Papillary
cancer - 7–14%;
- Squamous
cell carcinoma - 4-10%;
- Oncolytic
cancer - 2–5%;
- Cancer
of the collecting ducts - 1-2%;
Stages of kidney cancer
The incidence of kidney cancer in Ukraine is growing every year.
Survival among patients with kidney cancer:
Stage I - 80%
Stage II - 60-70%
III - 40-50% of patients live more than five years.
In the absence of surgery, from the onset of the first symptoms to death
is one to three years. Sporadic cases of long-term disease, more than five
years. An event such as spontaneous tumor regression occurs in less than 1% of
Causes of the disease
It has been proven that men suffer two times more often than women.
Provoking factors:
- smoking
- carcinogens that are contained in tobacco smoke, excreted by the kidneys
and cause malignant processes;
- age
over 50-70 years - the risk is associated with the accumulation of damage
in the renal parenchyma;
- obesity
- due to the consumption of fatty high-calorie foods can develop a tumor;
- diabetes,
hypertension, and other diseases provoke the formation of pathological
cells from which the cancer is formed;
- chronic
kidney disease - especially if a person is often on dialysis;
- kidney
injuries - can trigger malignant processes;
- negative
environmental impact - carcinogenic substances present in the air and
water increase the risk of tumor growth;
- heredity
- Hippel-Lindau syndrome of hereditary tumors.
Clinical manifestations
The disease can go unnoticed for a long time, and only a random
examination of the pelvic organs can reveal kidney cancer. The treatment method
depends on a timely and thorough investigation, the stage of the disease, and
the right tactics of exposure to the tumor.
Because the symptoms that characterize kidney cancer do not appear in
the early stages, diagnosing small forms can be difficult. The expressed
symptomatology arises at the developed stages (pain, blood in urine, the tumor
is felt at palpation).
In the early stages, the symptoms of kidney cancer are absent. Disorders
of other systems are noted. Thus, sometimes, an early manifestation is an
unexplained increase in blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should, from
time to time, undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys. In men, the first
manifestation may be hydrocephalus. Swelling of the legs, venous disorders, and
varicose veins of the subcutaneous veins of the abdomen due to compression of
the inferior vena cava. The
If you ignore the first signs of kidney cancer, the disease will
progress. As the tumor grows, the symptoms increase:
- blood
impurities appear in the urine;
- the
person is disturbed by constant puffiness of the face and sweating;
- there
is a pain in the lower back;
- urination
becomes uncomfortable and painful;
- appetite
worsens, and weight decreases sharply.
The person thus becomes lethargic, apathetic, gets tired quickly. The
patient may have a fever. As kidney cancer progresses, metastases spread not
only to neighbouring organs but also to distant ones.
The main signs of late metastasis of the disease:
- headache
with brain damage;
- severe
cough with sputum - with metastasis to the lungs;
- bone
fractures and frequent fractures due to metastases in bone tissue.
- To
prevent painful lesions, you need to see a doctor if you suspect early
disease manifestations. This guarantees a successful recovery and gives a favourable
Diagnostic methods
You need to seek medical help, even if you suspect the first symptoms of
kidney cancer. The phenomena described above do not necessarily serve as a
manifestation of kidney cancer, which is why they may not cause oncology in a
general practitioner for a long time. Only a highly qualified specialist with
extensive practical experience will be able to detect kidney cancer in time.
The operation and its course will depend on the stage of the disease and the
proper medical tactics.
If kidney cancer is suspected, the patient should undergo a
comprehensive examination, which includes:
Ultrasound of the kidneys - allows you to visualize the tumor, its
location, size;
radiography with a contrast agent - shows precise contours of the node,
changes in the tissues of the body;
CT and MRI - provides information about the depth of cancer germination,
the presence of metastases;
excretory urography - determines how much the disease has damaged the
structure of the kidneys;
biopsy of tumor tissues - is carried out under the control of ultrasound
and allows you to take cell samples for histological examination;
laboratory tests of blood and urine.
Many different research methods can lead to high financial costs without
guaranteeing results. In USA, in giandliverconsultants
clinic, specialists can summarize and analyse the existing set of symptoms. Due
to this, we prescribe the research method that will either rule out a malignant
disease or will immediately determine the acceptable way of exposure to the
tumor. There are cases when kidney cancer is accidentally detected during an
examination for entirely different conditions. Therefore, the director of the clinic,
Honoured Doctor of USA, Esaam advises undergoing preventive, at least once a
year, ultrasound of the kidneys. He mentions this in his article "Kidney
Kidney tumor treatment
Unfortunately, only the removal of kidney cancer by surgery guarantees
longevity in the tumor, so the purpose of the operation is its resection while
maintaining healthy areas of the body. Laparoscopic methods of surgical
interventions are most actively used in giandliverconsultants
clinic. Kidney tumor treatment is no exception. As a result, avoiding large
incisions facilitates the postoperative period, accelerates healing, and
restores the function of the operated kidney.
Doctors trained in Europe and the United States learn the latest world
achievements and widely apply their many years of experience. If you can detect
a kidney tumor in time, healing with a guaranteed result is minimized risks to
human health. The modern surgical approach affects only the area of tumor
localization. After its isolated resection, the kidney retains functionality. A
positive result in such cases means ridding a person of a malignant tumor
without compromising the quality of life because the kidneys remain both.
Kidney tumor removal by modern standards
Equipment for endoscopic surgery in the hands of a qualified surgeon
allows you to achieve healing, even if there is metastasis. Modern technology
in the clinic makes it possible to achieve just such a result.
The postoperative period with minimally invasive intervention methods is
usually much calmer than after traditional surgery with incision and complete
removal of the organ. Go through it with minimal inconvenience, called ozone
therapy. A mixture of ozone and oxygen has a detrimental effect on pathogenic
bacteria, reduces intoxication.
The main criterion that determines the degree of intervention in the
diagnosis of kidney cancer - the size of the tumor and the degree of its
progress. Small tumors that have not grown into the body's tissues can be
removed in a minimally invasive way. At the same time, the kidney remains, as
well as its functionality.
If the tumor is large, has had a substantial impact on the structure of
the organ and its function, surgeons, have to resort to more radical methods.
That is why you need to seek help at the first signs of the disease, and even
better - to regularly undergo preventive ultrasound examinations.
Sometimes kidney cancer may require additional measures: drug and radiation therapy. They are used to consolidate the effect of surgery and suppress metastases if any. This is usually necessary for the later stages of the disease when the tumor is large and has spread significantly. Therefore, it is better to remove it in the early phase while the size is small, limiting yourself to surgery.
Prevention of kidney cancer
Illness can be avoided by eliminating the factors that provoke it from your life. To do this, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits. Abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes in combination with proper nutrition helps to reduce the risk of tumor formation significantly.
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