Doctors claim that the disease not detected in the early stages can lead to significant health complications or temporary disability and death. However, there are many treatments to help cope with this disease. The USA Best Doctors provide the best treatment in medical field.

How to recognize coronary heart disease

Ischemic heart disease mainly occurs due to damage to the coronary artery and insufficient blood supply to the myocardium. After the myocardium stops getting enough oxygen, patients have the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain in the back of the chest;
  • dyspnea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • severe weakness;
  • swelling of the legs.

These symptoms appear after strenuous exercise or after experiencing stress. At the start form of an illness, for the emergence of painful sensations, there is a light enough nervous overstrain. Doctors take this set of symptoms very seriously, so if you find even half of the above list, you should seek help immediately.

Types of coronary heart disease are common.

The primary type of coronary heart disease is angina pectoris - insufficient blood supply to the heart, which leads to oxygen starvation—running forms of angina lead to ischemia of the heart muscle and necrosis. The complete absence of treatment or the occurrence of aggravating factors can develop into a myocardial infarction.

Myocardial infarction is considered to be no less common type of coronary heart disease. It is the death of a particular area of ​​the heart muscle due to a severe circulatory disorder. Depending on the size of the damaged area, emergency medical care, and individual health indicators, myocardial infarction can lead to heart failure.

The development of the third type of coronary heart disease, heart failure, occurs due to a decrease in the heart muscle's ability to contract. This form of coronary heart disease can occur in relatively mild and highly severe conditions, accompanied by constant pain. If heart failure occurs, it is necessary to be carefully monitored by a doctor and treated with medication for a long time.

Causes of coronary heart disease

Depending on lifestyle, gender, and age, coronary heart disease can develop gradually or appear as a complication after stress or infectious disease. The leading cause of angina is atherosclerosis - cholesterol plaques near the coronary arteries. Atherosclerosis itself occurs due to the following problems:

  • stable increase in pressure (hypertension);
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disorders; high cholesterol.

The cause of heart failure is cardiosclerosis - a heart disease in which some heart muscle cells can be replaced by scar tissue. A tendency promotes Cardiosclerosis to overeating, excessive smoking, frequent alcohol consumption. In addition, coronary heart disease often occurs in those who lead a sedentary or overly active lifestyle.

Diagnosis of coronary heart disease

At diagnosis of ischemic heart disease, first of all, do the electrocardiogram. Then, ultrasound and echocardiography are used as additional examination methods. Finally, to determine the complications of coronary heart disease, functional tests are performed - checking the heart's response to various physical exercises with registration on unique devices. After diagnosis and accurate diagnosis, the patient has prescribed treatment, or surgery is recommended.

Treatment of coronary heart disease in the sanatorium

Sanatorium complex treatment has the best effect on the state of health of patients with coronary heart disease. The best doctors in USA provide more facilities in medical field. Fresh air, the opportunity to change the situation for a more comfortable, proper nutrition, and the care of qualified doctors contribute to the rapid recovery of patients. In the sanatorium "Birch Grove" for the treatment of coronary heart disease, use such tools as:

  • dry carbonic baths;
  • different areas of physiotherapy;
  • personalization;
  • individually selected medications;
  • ultrasound therapy.



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